The Escapist Dream

Where luxury is redefined and life is reimagined.
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Retreat Yachting experience is based in southern Croatia, the most beautiful part of the Adriatic Sea. There is no better way to experience the land of a thousand islands, so we invite you to take this ride with us.

Our Vision

We are dedicated to honoring your body’s needs with a holistic approach, offering a variety of activities, treatments, therapies, and nutritious cuisine to ensure long-term health and happiness.

Equally, we nurture the mind, fostering self-discovery and personal growth while providing a serene, off-the-grid escape from life’s chaos.

The Pillars

The Yachting Retreat is an experience anchored in five fundamental pillars. These pillars are the essence of our programs, each offering its own distinct allure and power.

It’s the fusion of these pillars that creates this one-of-kind experience you will want to come back to.


Retreat Yachting is available through 3 different programs, each one designed with the utmost care for you as an individual and your wellbeing.
And when you can’t get enough, there is the premium version you can upgrade to.

Choose the perfect program to achieve your goals
and we will guide you from there.

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Create your journey

From selecting between our signature experiences to expressing their wishes and habits, guests actively participate in shaping their Retreat. It’s the fusion of these pillars that creates this one-of-kind experience you will want to come back to. This collaborative approach ensures that each guest’s experience reflects their unique desires and aspirations.

As part of this unique experience, every guest has the option to co-create their ideal journey with us, tailoring it to their preferences.

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The Experts

Let yourself be taken to the unknown by the safe hands of our crew and experience the world with all your senses.

Meet our hand-picked team of experts.

The Adriatic

Cruising the Adriatic is a journey through clear turquoise waters, stunning landscapes and lively coastal scenes. From untouched beaches to bustling harbors, every moment on the water is full of discovery. You’ll be amazed by the abundance of cliffs, islands, and charming towns that line the coast.

Sailing the Adriatic archipelago is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful life experiences and definitely the best way to see and experience the beauty of Croatia.

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Book your experience

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Booking available from 1st October 2024.
In every program, you will be booking the entire yacht so your privacy and discretion are guaranteed (the yacht selection is done in the booking process). You can book for yourself, for your family, for a group of friends or for your company. Whatever you decide, Retreat Yachting will transform and adjust to your unique preferences.

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