Weight loss

Find your inner balance and the rest will follow.
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It is a carefully crafted holistic approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight designed and led by Croatian Biggest Loser coach Sanja Žuljević with over 20 years of experience working with individuals facing different weight issues. If you have been trying to fight the extra weight for years with no or very little success, we have the real Biggest Loser team to help you gain control over your weight once and for all.

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

You will gain insight into your body’s really workings and why it accumulates weight. You will dive deep into your mind to discover all the wonderful ways it controls your every cell. You will understand why your body still reacts like you live in a cave although you are on a 5-star yacht.

Through interactive sessions, you will learn about the principles of nutrition, portion control, mindful eating, and the importance of physical activity. This program includes more extensive diagnostics and differs in the physical activities plans, nutrition plans and the extent of nutrition workshops.


Activation and wakening of all your systems. Starting with a deep clean, this program focuses on returning your body in a state of balance or, for some, achieving it for the first time. The workshops emphasize sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, empowering you to make informed choices and develop healthy habits to last you a lifetime.


Weight management goes beyond calories and scales; our vision is to give you knowledge and guide you in seamlessly integrating it into your daily life.  

What to expect

Parts of our programs are designed by a team of experts and as such are integrative part of the Experience.

Nutritionist workshops

Our expert nutritionist will discover the secrets of optimal nutrition designed to support your well-being.

Lifestyle workshops

Led by experienced facilitator, this workshop dives into various aspects of holistic living implementing mindfulness into everyday life.

Weight management workshops

With weight management workshop you will gain insight into your body’s real workings and why it accumulates weight.

Breathing meditations workshops

Breathing, like every unconscious act, when brought to awareness, changes its form and takes on a completely different dimension.

Mental trainings

Led by our Mental trainers, the workshop provides a safe and nurturing space for you to explore mindfulness, stress reduction techniques, and cognitive strategies for enhancing mental resilience.

Mindful walk

Mindful walks

Engage all your senses on our nature walks and hikes and experience the diversity of plant life and its applications in everyday living.


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At the end of your retreat, you will have the opportunity to enhance your diagnostics package based on your preferences. Following this, you can schedule online consultations or opt for an extended weekend stay aboard the yacht as part of our Premium Program, tailored to your wish.

*All programs include all 5 pillars and activities, treatments, programs and workshops which are listed in the programs table.
**Of course, the daily / weekly time table is always subject to change since we will be following in nature’s footsteps using the wind, the sun, the clouds and the waves as our partners.

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