The Experience

Unique concept
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At Retreat Yachting, we have crafted a unique concept, tailored to engage and rejuvenate your entire essence: Your mind, your body and your soul. This is not just a retreat, but an adventure that reimagines the art of travel, culinary exploration, cultural immersion and holistic wellbeing.

“Unlike some other sea adventures, Retreat Yachting isn’t about escaping nature; it’s about embracing it. We’ll gracefully follow nature’s lead, seamlessly blending with the elements. Rather than hiding or running, we’ll adapt, adjust, and merge with nature that accompany us throughout the journey.”

When creating Retreat Yachting, our mission was not simply to offer a service but to create an experience. We aim to transform the concept of luxury yachting into an exclusive escapist dream. Every element is designed to appeal to all your senses leaving you feeling awakened and uplifted.

Transcendent experience

This transcendent experience offers you an escape from the disruptions of your universe, while enabling you to feel better, think better, move better, and be better. You will find yourself leaving us enlightened with newfound perspectives on yourself and the world around you. The Adriatic Sea as a backdrop will never disappoint: lose yourself in its depths, its hidden beauty, and its secluded bays.


Be inspired by historical sites, unspoiled nature, and a rich cultural heritage. Here, the appeal of off-the-grid seclusion is only moments away from civilization. You will experience the freedom of going offline and a completely different world that surrounds you when you take your eyes off the screen. Surrender to the waves and realize that the pursuit of the sun is the only race worth running.

Your time capsule

If you are not someone for whom the charter experience is solely about sipping cocktails, indulging in calorie-laden food and gaining extra pounds, but are interested in giving yourself a Retreat during your holiday, it will be our privilege to serve as your oasis.

If you want to turn back the clock on your years or better yet: add years to your clock instead of indulging in immediate pleasures that leave you feeling empty.

The fusion

The fusion of mesmerizing landscapes and secret retreats will recharge you. Activities that engage both your body and mind will broaden your horizons. Personalized cutting-edge treatments and nourishing cuisine will revitalize your very being. And days filled with introspection, discovery, and different customs will enrich every dimension of your life.

The rituals

From energizing sunrise rituals that activate both mind and physique to custom-designed programs that trigger your senses, culminating in serene evenings – our programs are intimate, private, and exclusively yours. Whether you are seeking solace from stress triggers, struggling with weight control, aiming to extend your lifespan, or prevent potential health problems, our offerings are not only effective but also serve as key elements of a self-care routine aimed to enhance life quality and longevity. With us, you can escape, relax, detox, de-stress, rejuvenate, and ultimately find balance.

Safety and privacy

During this experience, your safety and privacy stand as our primary concerns. Accompanied by a dedicated team of wellness, medical experts, and attentive crew members (12-15), you will find support for your every need. The yacht will be accompanied by a speedboat and a sailing vessel, ensuring maximum security and assistance throughout your journey.

Our programs guarantee access to a doctor or nurse 24/7, always ensuring comprehensive care and peace of mind.

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Book your experience

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Booking available from 1st October 2024.
In every program, you will be booking the entire yacht so your privacy and discretion are guaranteed (the yacht selection is done in the booking process). You can book for yourself, for your family, for a group of friends or for your company. Whatever you decide, Retreat Yachting will transform and adjust to your unique preferences.

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